Numéro Netherlands features Earrings from the Daphne Collection
American model Meghan Roche wears earrings from the Daphne Collection for her feature in Numéro Netherlands, January 2024.

Talent: Meghan Roche at DNA Models @meghanroche @dnamodels
Photographer: Lea Winkler @leabwinkler
Stylist: Anatolli Smith at Home Agency @anatolli @homeagency
Makeup: Rommy Najor at Forward Artists @rommynajor @forwardartists
Hair: Ledora at CLM @ledora @clmagency
Nails: Jazz Style at See MGMT @jazzstyle @seemanagement
Production: Fox & Leopard @fox.and.leopard
Executive producer: Meagan Judkins @sweetbabyjudkins
Producer: Samantha Silvers @spindycrawford
Retoucher: Hue Retouching @hue.retouch
Editor: Timi Letonja @timiletonja
Editorial director & Interview: Jana Letonja @janaletonja
Cover design: Arthur Roeloffzen @arthurroeloffzen
Get the look
Shop the Batola earrings: